I am absolutely delighted to moderate this year's Contemporary Poetry Panel for Bookfest on this lovely fall day of October (17th) at 4pm. This year's panel features new books from Canadian poets Evelyn Lau (Pineapple Express/Anvil), Kevin Spenst (Hearts Amok: A Memoir in Verse/Anvil), rob mclennan (Life Sentence,/Spoyten Duyvil) and David Ly (Mythical Man/Palimpsest), and will take us on a trip through the strange emotional landscape of the Canadian West Coast, where time slows and pauses, or speeds up with fast paced slang, depending, where we look at the psychological frontiers of aging, dying, loving and fucking—the gamut of human experience as it unfolds within acts of language. A lovely and diverse selection of some of Canada's finest poets, indeed. I very much look forward to delving into each poet's texts for a short time this afternoon. Please register and join us all from the comfort of your living room here.
Also, do check out the other lovely panels and events at this year's Bookfest here.